
Summer Recap

Summer is basically over now, so I figure it's as good a time as any to look back at what I did this summer.

  • Played with Maddie - a lot
  • Spent quality family time with Melissa and Maddie
  • Childproofed most of the house
  • School workshops (2 days)
  • Watered the garden up at school several times
  • Trained Gizmo so that he is a much better behaved dog
  • Flew to Las Vegas for one day
  • Got a side job writing and editing
  • Went to the Lake with Melissa and a group of friends who I don't see nearly often enough
  • Took Maddie to the Zoo twice
  • Took Maddie to Grant's Farm
  • Sodded part of my yard
  • Had the basement air ducts replaced and moved
  • Replaced the condenser coil in the AC at my condo
  • Helped a friend and neighbor get his nursery ready for their baby
  • Went swimming a lot
  • Got addicted to a game on my phone, then quit cold turkey
  • Learned how to build and update a website and started kensusman.com, which is currently dedicated to basically being a website
  • Posted my family tree to the aforementioned website
That's not bad. 

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