
Summer Recap

Summer is basically over now, so I figure it's as good a time as any to look back at what I did this summer.

  • Played with Maddie - a lot
  • Spent quality family time with Melissa and Maddie
  • Childproofed most of the house
  • School workshops (2 days)
  • Watered the garden up at school several times
  • Trained Gizmo so that he is a much better behaved dog
  • Flew to Las Vegas for one day
  • Got a side job writing and editing
  • Went to the Lake with Melissa and a group of friends who I don't see nearly often enough
  • Took Maddie to the Zoo twice
  • Took Maddie to Grant's Farm
  • Sodded part of my yard
  • Had the basement air ducts replaced and moved
  • Replaced the condenser coil in the AC at my condo
  • Helped a friend and neighbor get his nursery ready for their baby
  • Went swimming a lot
  • Got addicted to a game on my phone, then quit cold turkey
  • Learned how to build and update a website and started kensusman.com, which is currently dedicated to basically being a website
  • Posted my family tree to the aforementioned website
That's not bad. 


I'm back! (Maybe.)

When I finished posting on September 9, 2011, I didn't figure that I wouldn't post again until July 21, 2013, but here we are. Go figure. In the intervening 682 days, life has changed a little bit. The highlights:

  • I got married
  • My wife and I bought a house
  • My beautiful daughter was born
Other than that, though, life is pretty much the same as it's always been. You know, other than the new house, wife and child.


Another thing that's changed, though, is that I seem to have regained a love for writing, and in a way that I didn't expect. I got the opportunity this summer to stay home with my daughter and not work. It has basically been awesome. I won't bore anyone with new dad blathering on. Instead, what I have found is that I have some time during her naps to get things done, and I've been doing some writing during this time. The writing has been for a side job that I picked up, but it turns out that I really do enjoy it. And so, I'm back.

I'm not going to be nearly as ambitious with this blog as I was before. I am not planning to write any long political treatises or explain my entire view of government and society. Instead, it will just be whatever lands on the screen. As it were.

Will I stick with it? History says no, but we'll see.


Also, I have a website now. I have no idea why, but it's there. So, if you're bored, head over to kensusman.com. Basically, at the moment, there's nothing there except for this blog. On the other hand, this blog is at a new link now. Go to susblogs.kensusman.com. Again, I don't have a clue why.